1. chemometrics::NIR
    NIR data
  2. chemometrics::PAC
    GC retention indices
  3. chemometrics::Phenyl
    Phenyl data set
  4. chemometrics::ash
    ash data
  5. chemometrics::cereal
    Data from cereals
  6. chemometrics::glass
    glass vessels data
    matrix|180 x 13
  7. chemometrics::glass.grp
    glass types of the glass data
  8. chemometrics::hyptis
    Hyptis data set
  9. StatDA::AuNEW
    Au data, new
  10. StatDA::AuOLD
    Au data, old
  11. StatDA::CHorANADUP
    Analytical duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
  12. StatDA::CHorFieldDUP
    Field duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
  13. StatDA::CHorSTANDARD
    Standard reference material for the Kola data
  14. StatDA::bhorizon
    B-horizon of the Kola Data
  15. StatDA::bordersKola
    Borders of the Kola Project boundary
  16. StatDA::chorizon
    C-horizon of the Kola Data
  17. StatDA::kola.background
  18. StatDA::monch
    Boundary of the Monchegorsk area
  19. StatDA::moss
    Moss layer of the Kola Data
  20. StatDA::nizap
    Boundary of the area Nikel-Zapoljarnij
  21. StatDA::ohorizon
    O-horizon of the Kola Data
  22. StatDA::res.eyefit.As_C
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  23. StatDA::res.eyefit.As_C_m
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  24. StatDA::res.eyefit.AuNEW
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  25. StatDA::res.eyefit.Ca_C
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  26. StatDA::res.eyefit.Ca_O
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  27. StatDA::res.eyefit.Hg_O
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  28. StatDA::res.eyefit.Pb_O1
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  29. StatDA::res.eyefit.Pb_O2
    Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
  30. StatDA::timetrend
    Data for computing time trends
  31. StatDA::topsoil
    topsoil layer of the Kola Data