- chemometrics::NIRNIR data
- chemometrics::PACGC retention indices
- chemometrics::PhenylPhenyl data set
- chemometrics::ashash data
- chemometrics::cerealData from cereals
- chemometrics::glassglass vessels data
- chemometrics::glass.grpglass types of the glass data
- chemometrics::hyptisHyptis data set
- StatDA::AuNEWAu data, new
- StatDA::AuOLDAu data, old
- StatDA::CHorANADUPAnalytical duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
- StatDA::CHorFieldDUPField duplicates of the C-horizon Kola data
- StatDA::CHorSTANDARDStandard reference material for the Kola data
- StatDA::bhorizonB-horizon of the Kola Data
- StatDA::bordersKolaBorders of the Kola Project boundary
- StatDA::chorizonC-horizon of the Kola Data
- StatDA::kola.backgroundkola.background
- StatDA::monchBoundary of the Monchegorsk area
- StatDA::mossMoss layer of the Kola Data
- StatDA::nizapBoundary of the area Nikel-Zapoljarnij
- StatDA::ohorizonO-horizon of the Kola Data
- StatDA::res.eyefit.As_CResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.As_C_mResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.AuNEWResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.Ca_CResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.Ca_OResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.Hg_OResult of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.Pb_O1Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::res.eyefit.Pb_O2Result of the function eyefit for variogram estimation.
- StatDA::timetrendData for computing time trends
- StatDA::topsoiltopsoil layer of the Kola Data